Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bad Habit

I kinda am working on changing my life quite a bit at the moment. For the better of course. Nothing exiting, just the usual things. Eat healthier, work out more, clean the flat more often, regularly do the laundry…blah blah blah. I haven’t gotten much further than planning this in theory.

But there is always one thing you know you reallyreallyreally have to change. Things you do, that are just wrong. Now there is something I do on a very regular basis. I shouldn’t even tell this to anyone. I don’t even know when I started it. (I just realized that I shouldn’t write such a huge introduction and get your hopes up that it’s something actually exciting, ‘cause it totally isn’t…). I probably wouldn’t have noticed it myself, but since bf has been living with me for about a year now, he noticed.

Whenever I find something on my desk, my kitchen table (or sadly any surface) that even remotely looks like a crumb of something, I put it in my mouth. That’s just wrong. I probably don’t even have to tell you that about half the times it isn’t even anything edible. This absolutely has to stop. But it’s a lot harder than I would have expected. I totally realize what I’m doing every single time, but I just can’t help it.

Well I just noticed that this post is totally random and probably nobody is interested in this or will now think I’m weird, which might be possible, but still. I also constantly talk to myself when I’m alone. But I’m fine with that. The only times it’s really embarrassing are when I’m putting stuff in the shelves at work, with my back to the door and don’t notice someone coming in…

To make up for the randomness of this post, I will post a picture of a squirrel I took in London two years ago. (Because that makes it a lot less random of course...)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Me and girls

I don't know what it is. I don't get along with girls. It's not that I generally dislike them, I just usually don't know how to talk to them and stuff. And it's pretty much always been like that. I do have a couple of female friends, but compared to the number of male ones they're the absolute minority. It usually takes me quite a long time to get to know and like a girl. Now this all is kinda problematic, since I'm female myself.

With men, it's fine. I can talk to them hours on end, but around girls, I always feel kinda clumsy.

Now how did I come to think of that? Two weeks ago I wrote a practice exam in one of my translation classes (German to English, to be exact), and for a lot of people it didn't go too well. So today we talked about it, and about the problems we had with the English language and stuff. I can't complain, I did fairly well, and I'm sure I'll pass the exam. But one of my friends (one of the girls I actually do like a lot) had failed and was feeling really anxious about the real exam (which is on Monday(totally unrelated note: until today I never knew I had to spell weekdays with a capital letter...)). Some others didn't do better, so we went outside and thought "well, what do we do know". Now that really isn't a difficult question. We went to the nearest supermarket to buy beer. Yeah. That's awfully cliché German, but it works, you know?

Sooo, we ended up in the kitchen of one of the girls. And it was fun. Like actual real fun.

We sat there for about two hours, drinking beer, talking about everything and nothing. I think I should do this more often. I don't think girls are too bad after all. If I just didn't feel so weird around them.

Ugh, what to do?

I guess I'll see.

Right now I'll just drink another beer and try to pretend this reeeeally important French exam isn't on Friday, and I wont flunk it and whatever...




By the way, I totally can't stop thinking about what my translation lecturer would say about my text...pfff...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

work ramblings

So uhm… “Hi“, I guess.

I ‘m not sure how to start this. I totally feel like I’m starting a new blog, even though I already posted twice. But those where only two random thoughts. By that, I’m not saying that this blog is going to become any less random, I highly doubt that.

I read a lot of blogs lately, and that made feel like starting again myself. About a week ago I was working the early shift at the gas station (which is from 6 a.m. to 2 p. m.) and so many things happened that morning, that it eventually got me thinking “I need to blog about this day”. I even took notes. But alas, they are lying on my desk at home. So today you are not going to hear the story of “that totally crazy day”. Right now I also am at work, which means I should be doing anything but writing this, but it’s the night shift, so there are not many people coming, and I have done (nearly) all my cleaning and stuff, so I really don’t care. Of course I can’t post this until I’m home in the morning, but who cares anyway.

What would be better right now of course would be studying. I have a really important French exam coming up, I have an essay due Thursday at noon, and I also have to do a 45 minute presentation on Rushdie’s “Satanic Verses” that day. But you know how it is. Plus I’m very easily distracted. In my defense, I already read a couple of French texts tonight though.

It’s strange, I keep thinking “can I actually say this?”. It’s been ages since I actually wrote longer texts in English. I hope it doesn’t bother you if some things sound messed up. But I thought writing an English blog would be nice.

I don’t even have any funny work stories to tell today. Which is quite sad. Usually I have at least one or two funny, weird (or both) things happen in a shift. Well I still have two hours to go though, so maybe there still is a chance. So now I’ll just mop the floor and sort out old newspapers, today’s just got delivered.

So now I’m officially done with all my duties until I open up the shop again in about an hour. My feet hurt. And I’m bored. Meh. I will now start reading “A brief history of blasphemy” for my presentation and try to stop wishing customers a good evening even though it technically is 4 in the morning.

I wish everyone who is reading this a fabulous day,

Gewuerzgurke out. (I’ve always wanted to write this)